Sunday, 29 January 2012


Well, they don't really... BUT, now that we have your attention, it's been a while since our last post, so we thought we'd start the first one of 2012 with one that seems fitting... about our #HEALTH! Since many of us are trying to get healthier for the new year you may have made the decision to eat less chocolate, exercise more or just get healthier in general. However, since we love chocolate we decided to delve in and do a little research... should you really be cutting #chocolate out of your diet? NO! It has many benefits that will help you fight the winter blues, give you energy and ultimately keep you healthier!

Six Reasons Why you SHOULD eat more chocolate!!
  1. It reduces the risk of death from heart disease by about three folds!A study found that "the Kuna people of Panama, who have among the highest cocoa consumption of any group in the world, also have very low rates of heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure." 
  2. Fights depression and improves moods! Chocolate has been found to increase the levels of serotonin levils in the brain!
  3. Reduces stress levels!  According to"The British Journal of Nutrition found those who ate cocoa had a 20% reduction in oxidative stress but it needs to become a regular part of your diet because the effects would disappear after less than 2 days." 
  4. Actually helps you to SHED weight! The "polyphenols (that's the good stuff) in chocolate actually inhibit the key enzymes required to digest carbs and fats!" They also help to boost your metabolism!! 
  5. Become the next Einstein! "Chocolate enhances blood flow and memory, mental clarity and sustained focus"!
  6. Boost your energy! It has been said that eating chocolate enhances your energy naturally and improves your mental and physical performance!
Of course these will very amongst different individuals and the quality and type of chocolate that you eat. It is said that the darker chocolate that you consume, the higher level of benefits it will have! Our chocolates also use fresh organic herbs (mint and thyme), fruits (blackberry and raspberry) and spices (cayenne and cinnamon) that also give you that extra health kick - mental alertness, weightloss and antioxidants to name a few!!

AND, if this isn't more of an excuse to eat chocolate, we have a special promotion when you come to our Bowen Island Shop! You can now purchase our 12oz mug of classic hot chocolate for under $5.00! If you can't make it to Bowen and you need your fix of quality chocolate, you can also order from our online store.

NOW, back to the subject of " aliens eating chocolate," check out this poll ;)

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